About us

For nearly 40 years we lead companies to choose the best opportunities to obtain loan.

Our team is made up of high-level experts, able to provide financial advice.

Italfinance headquarters room
Soccer table detail
Italfinance Group social commitment
Italfinance ethical code
Solutions and Products

All companies, in any sector and of any size, need suitable financial solutions to make the business grow. Our team supports you in achieving your goals at every step.

Transparency and Compliance

Italfinance operates in full compliance with banking and financial regulations to protect the customer. We are committed to complying with the highest ethical standards and to maintaining transparent, legal and professional conduct. Anyone who works in Italfinance is therefore required to operate according to our principles of transparency and compliance.

Work with us

Working with passion and enthusiasm is essential for achieve any goal. This is why we bring together motivated, competent and proactive people. In Italfinance you will find an environment made up of professionals, but also people capable of building relationships. We will inspire you to do your best.

Camillo Zana

ESG Scientific Manager

Since the second half of the '90s, he has been involved with certification standards, especially in relation to ISO norms. He designs or collaborates on projects that lead to the drafting of certification/evaluation protocols for value chains, with a particular focus on the supply chain. Among these are the TCR (Transport Compliance Rating) for the world of transport and logistics of mass consumption, the LSLC (Life Science Leading Council) for the life science sector, and the ESG Portal protocol, a tool for calculating sustainability ratings, which he developed personally.

Furthermore, he founded a consulting firm in the field of regulatory compliance related to technological evolution and a company for accessing compensation through the acquisition of carbon credits from the free market. At the institutional level, he holds the position of President of the Technical Scientific Committee of the TCR (Transport Compliance Rating) and CEO of ESG CERT S.r.l., a verification and validation body in the ESG field.

Activity areas

He serves as the ESG Scientific Manager, directly performing and coordinating the operational team, which deals with the ESG services provided by Italfinance: from ESG Assessments to ESG Ratings, from Sustainability Reports (sustainability balances) to requests from value chain actors and financial institutions, as well as training in ESG competencies for clients and outsourced ESG MANAGER services.

Experts to your service, trust our expertise!

Our team of experts is available to provide professional services in line with your needs.

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